Time Matters latest release, Ver 16.1, is now available


  • It provides somewhat faster searching.
  • It also fixes some annoying bugs such as a restart of MS Word that affected some users after running a document template,
  • It no longer hangs-up the Quickbooks klink when it encounters certain obscure characters.
  • It also updates Quickbooks and Time Slips to work with newer versions.
  • Full Release Notes may be found at
  • Contact Premier if you have questions or would like to implement v16.1


Do you know how Time Matters’ unique ‘Package Feature’ utility can save a tremendous amount of time in customizing your system?  Use our FREE plugin to learn more –  FREE  Plug-in to Time Matters – Two Reports to Count Contacts and Matters by State and Zip.

Our goal is to simply show the power and ease of use of a well designed law practice management program – aka Time Matters – send us an email to request your free plugin.  This demonstrates the efficient tool and time saving utility that Time Matters offers to plugin customization from one Time Matters system to another.

Our super simple offer is in exchange for your email and contact info we will send a transfer file that can be imported in seconds.  The file has two summary reports to summarize Contactsor Matter by State and Zip. Yes, you can do this once with Send to Excel, but why not make it easy to do in the future with a Time Matters report.

Sample Using the Time Matters Tutor Training Database

  1. Contact Report – Count by State and Zip Code
    1 – Sample Report – State and Zip Code – Contact Counts by State and Zip

2.  Matter Report – Count by State and Zip Code
2 – Sample Report – State and Zip Code – Matters Counts by State and Zip Code


One lawyer whose firm uses all MAC computers continues to utilize Time Matters because of features like TM Insider, which he describes  ‘ because it is so damn convenient’.

Recently, I have encountered more experienced lawyers and their staff who either were not aware or simply failed to take advantage of Time Matters integration with other programs with toolbar items such as TM Insider, TM Save and TM Connect.  Every firm has routine letters and nothing is faster or easier than use of TM Insiderfor producing this type of document.

So our tech gift to those of you who have Time Matters but under utilize it, at least these toolbar items,  is a pdf and two very short video examples to explain how to use and how to configure TM integration with other programs.

TM Insider and TM Save Time Matters Integration with Other Programs

As always contact Premier to learn more.

Premier most recent business trip John ‘JP’ Papasadora, Ryan Caffrey, Tom Caffrey

NJ Stripper Fishing John Ppasadora,Ryan and Tom Caffrey 11-25-2015 IMG_3766


Hello from Raleigh, NC.  This week is the 2015 Certified Partner Conference where we learn the latest from Lexis for their plans for their law practice management product portfolio – Time Matters, PCLaw, Juris and Firm Manager.  Look for an update soon.

Tom Caffrey with 20 from managemet team of Lexis and 100+ fellow consultants

Tom Caffrey with 20 from managemet team of Lexis and 100+ fellow consultants

(PS – It was 72 degrees when I arrived yesterday- nice.)

Premier Software Tele 856 429-3010

  1. Please join my meeting, Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 4:00 PM Eastern = Standard Time.


  1. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) – a headset is recommended. Or= , call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (872) 240-3312

Access Code: 470-736-269
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 470-736-269

On the plus side, we think you will like the new calendar options. We expect better performance with the underlying newer technology platform. We hope to see more innovation on a regular basis due to the technology platform update, we will see.

Before you install, there a few potential gotcha’s that we want to point out.
#1.   Be extra sure to have a solid backup, starting with v13,
newer versions like v14 install ’in place’ i.e. over top of v13
#2.   Minimum PC memory is now 1GB and recommended memory is 2GB
#3.   The ‘classic’ calendar, some color related options are removed
#4.   Be sure to disconnect any flash drive or external drive before installing TM14
(Reconnect it later, especially if it’s a image backupofyour server :~)
#5.   You must uninstall TMv10 from any PC before installing TM14
#6.   Time Matters v11 and earlier are no longer supported by LexisNexis
#7.    Use the  recommended versions of MS-SQL for different versions of Time Matters

Remember it never hurts to wait a short time prior to upgrading, just in case there are wrinkles that should be ironed out first.

Tom Caffrey
Premier Software
(856) 429-3010

There is way to translate a date such as 8/27/2014 and to August 27, 2014.   In the image below we show how the Event record user 13 field has been customized into a Narrative style date field which may look a bit better in a letter.  This is an undocumented feature.  Try it on the Tutor database first or get your favorite CIC to assist.

Click the image for a better view.

convert date to Narrative style date


Oops! We could not locate your form.


Recently I worked with two very competent and pleasant law staff members on a data conversion.  The process was a bit of a roller coaster ride where one person was thrilled and the other a little bit(byte) terrified during the ride.  We joking referred to the mid part of the process as being upside down in a high speed turn.

One staff person suggested ‘some’ records seemed to be missing (they were not) .  In re-tracing the steps I said ‘… in Excel we created the full name by combining two fields( first and last) using the ‘concatenate’ command” see below.  The staff person responded  ‘Oh, concatenate, that’s one of my favorite Excel commands’.   Right then I knew that this was probably going to go smoothly. I think I heard some music.  We identified where the missing record was (seemed the last name was in two parts, something like  ‘Ben Adams Franklin’ and they were looking at Adams not Franklin).

This reaction reminded me of the usefulness of the Kolbe test.  Kolbe  would likely indicate that the person who knew and loved the concatenate command was well suited for this data conversion type of task.  We all recognize that everyone has a logical and an emotional aspect in the way they think.  According to Kolbe, the third aspect is the ‘conative’ aspect of the mind. ‘Kolbe Indexes are the only tests that look at conation, evaluating the instinctive talents you were born with – identifying the way you take ACTION.”

I recall a certain highly regarded lawyer state how employee turnover was all but eliminated once the firm started using the Kolbe test for all new hires.  So moral of the story is it probably is time well spent to be careful in assigning the right person to any particular task or job.  Kolbe tests can help.


First Name Last Name
Nancy Davolio
Andrew Fuller
Formula Description (Result)
=A2&” “&B2 Combines the names above, separated by a space (Nancy Davolio)
=B3&”, “&A3 Combines the names above, separated by a comma (Fuller, Andrew)
=CONCATENATE(A2,” “,B2) Combines the names above, separated by a space (Nancy Davolio)

Let’s assume you have 1 to ten users and are considering a cloud (rental) vs licensed software (buy and maintain) approach for your law practice management software.  In our example, one ‘opportunity’ is a Cloud system at $72./user per month and the other ‘opportunity’ is to buy licensed software with one year of annual maintenance with the option to continue or not continue annual maintenance each year.  Which costs more and what could you do with the savings… You may be surprised at what you will see.

External Cloud vs Internal Cloud

External Cloud vs Internal Cloud Total Cost of Ownership

Interactive Excel Web Page: Enter Your Own Data

Incidentally, I define ‘Internal Cloud’ as your own on-premise system enabled for Internet (dare I say cloud) based access. There are (ahem) folks out there who will assemble, install, maintain your system for you on a contract basis muck like a cloud contract.

Or how about we take the savings and split it – in return we will provide a networked system, web enabled, with maintenance, support and training.

You decide.