A good idea is timeless and often the product of common sense.

ZolaSuite now provides for their standard reports to be scheduled and delivered to responsible staff automatically. Think about this for a moment, it is simple, brilliant and long overdue. Not all firms are blessed with management that does what is should when it should.  Scheduled reports are a great way to enable coherent structure to the way you manage your firm.

Over the years off-site service bureau billing, on-site Mini Computer, PC, Network, and now Online Service legal systems have all benefited from implementation of the same good idea.  I know this well because over a 40 year period I have witnessed software development on different platforms. Starting fresh out of college, I worked at a company that provided 100’s of east coasts largest law firms with their  ‘Monthly’ Reports.  The law firms lived and died on getting the right set of billing and management reports to the right people and Only One Chance to Get It Right Every 30 Days.  The good aspect of this is the forced discipline it provided.

So add this to your required features and if you use ZolaSuite be sure to implement scheduled reports ...now!