Proven Solutions for Your Practice
Why Premier? In a word, Experience!
The most valuable feature of Time Matters, the ‘package feature’ utility, is also the most overlooked. We use this feature to transfer Wealthdata which is the product of our experience of working on 200 installations of Time Matters in Estate & Elder Law practices. This experience allows us to provide far more per dollar invested.
It is generally unknown and the most underutilized feature, except for those clients who have received Premier’s practice modules created and installed using the ‘package feature’ utility. It saves hundreds of hours of time otherwise required to fully customize a system.
Another solution unique from Premier is our SOS Server
– a managed on premise server that also serves as your pricvate cloud. Fixed charge, best performance, access anywhere and lowest cost of operation. SOS may Includesoffsite backup and an option for true disaster recovery as well. Often half the price of popular hosted cloud solutions with faster performance. These systems have proven performance over many years in firms from a few to a hundred users.
Recently we have added Online Review and Reputation Management and Citation Management (click for a free immediate scan of your business listings). Our experience with certain very successful law firms helped us identify these overlooked but critical areas of law firm digital marketing. That’s why we offer support in these areas.
We have the same mission today as when we started in 1985, to provide leading technology solutions to our client law firms. The story of Premier is our history of 30+ years assisting law firms using the best technology suited to their specific requirements to achieve optimum efficiency and profitability. We provide a trusted team of experienced specialists to guide and support your firm in maximizing your use of technology.
Take for example, LifeLaw LLC a sic user user in six locations – no office, is no problem.
A central New York firm required a system to support widely distributed staff, a totally virtual law firm using Time Matters, MS Office, Hot Docs (Wealth Docx™ and ElderDocx®) and other applications. Their solution since January 2011 has been Premier’s SOS-Server. On occasion staff have had extended month long travel without missing a day of work. Their SOS Premier Private Cloud Server enables work from virtually anywhere.
We have a great story for each of our clients. We hope you will let Premier Software help you write the next chapter of your own story of success, using the latest technology in the smartest, most cost effective way possible. Call or email and set a time to begin, today.
Tel. 856-4209-3010