You may know your Fair Issac Co. score (FICO) score but do you know your PEER score? By PEER score I mean Practice Efficiency and Effectiveness Rating as it relates to any LPM software, such as use of Time Matters.
The Problem:
The most frequent comment we hear by lawyers at conferences about their softwre is:
‘We use (fill in the blank) software but only use 10%, how can you help us use it better …”
The Solution:
First we need to assess how you are doing. You may have conquered only 10% but what 10% and ideally what other areas are available and worth pursuing in your situation. So we have a checklist document that we use as a tool to determine what you do know and don’t know, and what is worth going after.
As the saying goes,” Little hinges can swing big doors” and often the means to save time and to manage much more effectively are right in front of you, hiding in plain sight. Here’s an info graphic (one small piece of a more comprehensive tool) that you might find useful.
Here is a link to the actual assessment form, please try it (only takes about a minute) .
Click the Linked text:
Go ahead and fill out the form, it only takes a minute to get your score