On the plus side, we think you will like the new calendar options. We expect better performance with the underlying newer technology platform. We hope to see more innovation on a regular basis due to the technology platform update, we will see.
Before you install, there a few potential gotcha’s that we want to point out.
#1. Be extra sure to have a solid backup, starting with v13,
newer versions like v14 install ’in place’ i.e. over top of v13
#2. Minimum PC memory is now 1GB and recommended memory is 2GB
#3. The ‘classic’ calendar, some color related options are removed
#4. Be sure to disconnect any flash drive or external drive before installing TM14
(Reconnect it later, especially if it’s a image backupofyour server :~)
#5. You must uninstall TMv10 from any PC before installing TM14
#6. Time Matters v11 and earlier are no longer supported by LexisNexis
#7. Use the recommended versions of MS-SQL for different versions of Time Matters
Remember it never hurts to wait a short time prior to upgrading, just in case there are wrinkles that should be ironed out first.
Tom Caffrey
Premier Software
(856) 429-3010