Legal Tech 2015  I spent today in NYC speaking with Technolawyer publisher Neil Squillante; visiting with LexisNeixs – Amy McArthur, Kendra Gebhart, Jonah Paransky, Susan Harmon (re Firm Manager), and Deane,  fellow consultants – Bill Dertinger, Jeff Levine, David Michael, Seth Rowland; Spent time with Dan Berlin TABS3 (asked Brian Dickey 50 questions and received 50 great answers about practice Master);
Also today in NYC at Legal Tech I explored vendors – Hot Docs (checking out the new Hot Docs Market); Legal Workspace; Citrix (Share File); Microsoft Office 365 exhibit with their new ‘Matter Center’ app;
 name a company that is the new registrar for new top level domains for .lawyer .attorney

Finally I spoke to of Daren Davis of Drive Savers – they rescue data from damaged disk drives (including fire damaged PC in attached photo)
fire damaged pcIMG_2401


I deliberately skipped the other 80+% of the exhibitors offering eDiscovery

Thanks to all who visited with us in Newport Beach during the NAELA Summit.
Joan and I certainly enjoyed speaking with you.

The LCPLFA members were hosts for a great party Friday evening on the bay across from Balboa Island. You and the So. Cal community certainly know how to live large.NAELA Summit - Balboa Island - Newport Beach CA

Michael J Millonig, CELA, Dayton, Ohio was the winner of Premier’s full sponsorship to the next NAELA conference.

To Recap:  

Premier featured Wealthdata, our Estates and Elder Law Practice System for Time Matters. This is now used nationally by several hundred leading law firms.

New at the Summit was our SafelyFiled/SafelyMD offering. Safely Filed is a secure, online file storage and sharing system.  Safely/MD  is an extremely cost effective, law firm branded, client emergency ID card with online access to emergency data and healthcare documents.

Premier has offered SOS for the five over years, a managed Small Office Server.  Premier is Now also offering SOS virtually.  We call this SOS-Cloud.  It may include all of your essential applications – Time Matters, MS Office, PCLaw, Adobe Acrobat/Reader, Hot Docs, and more.

MTM is Managing with Time Matters, our training forum with four live training classes every month for a flat charge per user or per firm.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any question you may have.

Tom Caffrey
Premier Software


Monday, Feb 9th  Noon ET  Getting the Most from Time Matters;  Plus 30 Tips in 30 Minutes

Thursday Feb 12th 4pm ET   SafelyFiled/SafelyMD                                                                                                               

To Register:
Tel  (856) 429-3010
Web form.

Time Matters Tip
Need a larger font size or type of font – Watch this video. (1 minute)

Need more help …call 856 429-3010  or

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Premier News:
Our 30 Year Anniversary, Plus Free Maximize Your Time Matters Investment Webinar, Training Classes and an Exciting New Product and

Come Visit Us in Newport Beach, CA at the NAELA Summit Jan.29th – 31st,
       Get Lucky! We are giving away a full $$$ conference registration.

Our 30 Year Anniversary – Our sincere thanks, to all of our clients,
where ever you are…

Premier Software Supporting Law Firms for 30 Years Pre and Post Internet

Free Webinar, Training Classes and an Exciting New Product, see below:

Upcoming Webinar “Maximizing Your Investment in Time Matters”

Monday, February 9th   Noon ET

Part 1        Time Matters Utilization Checklist
We will show how to quickly determine all of the key areas for saving time and managing more effectively using Time Matters for your type of practice. Including: Essential Reports, Managing Workflow, Document Assembly and MS Office Integration, Document Management and Scanning, Synching with Smartphones, Remote Access, TM Mobility, Full Text Searching

Part 2        30 Tips in 30 Minutes

Upcoming Classes –  Our Schedule of Regular Monthly Training Classes <>

New for 2015 Announcing: SafelyFiled/SafelyMD
A Law Firm Branded System Client ID Card and Branded Web Site for online access to Emergency Data and Healthcare Documents $10/client total for five years



Reach us anytime – 24×7 – for any type of support using our web form


I read once that Walter Cronkite, a avid sailor, had a favorite author, Patrick O’Brien.
Today would be the 100th birthday of author Patrick O’Brien born Dec. 12, 1914, The WSJ refers to this as ‘the centenary of the greatest historical novelist ever, and one of the best novelists of our era” 

In the ideal world, we all would take a week off in late December or during January and let our business minds re-charge by visiting with family or maybe by reading a good book. If you are looking for a good book to read as sit on a beach in January and re-charge, I absolutely recommend any of the series of 20 Patrick O’Brien novels. The book covers are even worth collecting here’s a picture of mine right behind my desk in the office.

"The Mauritius Command"

“The Mauritius Command”

by Geoff Hunt, [BOOK COVER] Sunset in the Indian Ocean, viewed from the upper masts of HMS Otter. The Otter, a ship-sloop, was a relatively small vessel with 18 guns. Beyond her are the larger frigates Boadicea, Sirius, and Nereide. All the ships are busy shortening sail and taking in their topgallants – a common precaution at nightfall if squalls were expected.

Time Matters for Marketing and Mailing List Management
Premier Software’s Videomail list management and marketing using Time Matters
Use of Features: Working with Lists, Fields, Search (Filter), Select (Tag), Saved Tag List, Sort, Send to Excel, Print Labels, Saved Tag List, Process Send Email to Selected List

For Support Call or Email…Today!
Tel.      (856) 429-3010 or Email:


The extensive checklist of steps required in a NY state guardianship (Article81) are a great example where Time Matters may be applied to help automate and control the process through use of the ‘chain’ feature.

In this real world example, The ‘fun’ is when each of  the 61 steps are applied automatically when a new guardianship matter is added.  The ‘profit’ comes from your ability to more easily manage the steps  and create billing records, simply by checking each item complete, ie check it  done.  Another example, is when the task for File Papers is marked   done, use of an automatic message (using the  ‘trigger’ feature) to notify the user  to enter the reimbursable filing fee.


Eliminate the time and chaos of not having a system, get started by making an outline. If you have a set of tasks similar to these, consider making a list of items.  Eack item may have a parent/child ordinate/subordinate relationship to another item.  So, to get started, create a spreadsheet with columns for item description, the parent item it is related to and a column for the number of days before or after the parent item.

You may even create a convenient, collapsible Outline containing each item of the chain of related steps to see howthe matter is progressing and to tag mark done and bill multiple completed steps.

Kassoff Chain Guardianship article 81 Kassoff Outline of Chain with automatic billing


A Time Matters question about Mobility vs Synching:

Question: “can you enlighten me on the TM mobility as to the storage of the data.  Is our data stored in a “cloud” and we access it on the TM mobility website?  If so, how often is the data backed up?  I am trying to make sure that we can still have access to the data even if the server were to go down or we would lose power in the office. ”

TM Mobility
works as follows, when you login you are authenticating via the cloud (Microsoft Azure I believe, on dedicated Lexis servers) and then you are passed thru to your own Time Matters (SQL database).   So your access to data is dependent on your server and the TM database  being available.

The synch is different. For example, if you synch Time Matters with Microsoft’s Exchange server (we do this routinely using the Exchange component of Microsoft Office 365)  then if your server were down, you would still have web access to email, calendar and contacts.  We also routinely backup documents using an offsite cloud service, which means documents could be accessed as well.

Case in Point:
If you lose your smart phone 

– TM Mobility means you haven’t lost control of all your contacts and calendar.
– TM/Exchange Synch – you may have lost control of all your contacts and calendar.

If you lose your server:
There are strategies for assuring a very high degree of redundancy and for enabling a fast recovery both on-site and off-site.  An on-site server image backup is good to have and easy to set-up. An off-site backup, with a plan for firing up a physical or virtual server is also a well proven strategy.  Bottom line is there are different options and levels of  redundancy, backup and disaster recovery.

We’ll promise not to represent ourselves in court or prepare our own estate planning documents  if you, our lawyer friends, reach out to us for guidance on technical issues like those above.  Let us know if you need more detail, we are here to help.

On the plus side, we think you will like the new calendar options. We expect better performance with the underlying newer technology platform. We hope to see more innovation on a regular basis due to the technology platform update, we will see.

Before you install, there a few potential gotcha’s that we want to point out.
#1.   Be extra sure to have a solid backup, starting with v13,
newer versions like v14 install ’in place’ i.e. over top of v13
#2.   Minimum PC memory is now 1GB and recommended memory is 2GB
#3.   The ‘classic’ calendar, some color related options are removed
#4.   Be sure to disconnect any flash drive or external drive before installing TM14
(Reconnect it later, especially if it’s a image backupofyour server :~)
#5.   You must uninstall TMv10 from any PC before installing TM14
#6.   Time Matters v11 and earlier are no longer supported by LexisNexis
#7.    Use the  recommended versions of MS-SQL for different versions of Time Matters

Remember it never hurts to wait a short time prior to upgrading, just in case there are wrinkles that should be ironed out first.

Tom Caffrey
Premier Software
(856) 429-3010

Perhaps there is a better, faster, easier method to capture initial contact information.

Watch this short video to learn how to save time by using Word and TimeMatters together.  No more re-typing from your separate notes or document memo.